

kvm(kernel+based Virtaul Machine)是目前主流的开源虚拟化解决方案,它是基于x86架构上的Linux操作系统的全虚拟化解决方案,在centos6.3系统中,kvm已经被集成在内核之中,相当于使用内核来做虚拟机的管理程序。由于其工作在内核层,所以执行效率要比传统的虚拟机化技术高很多,KVM虚拟化需要intel VT 或者 AMD-V技术的支持。需要确保操作系统支持虚拟机化。







KVM的虚拟机化组件包括Virtualization、Virtualization Client、Virtualization Platform、Virtualization Tools,其中

  • Virtualization 是提供虚拟化环境的
  • Viratualization Client 是提供虚拟机实例的客户端软件
  • Virtualition Platform 是提供访问和控制虚拟机和容器的接口
  • Virtualization Tools 是提供脱机虚拟机镜像管理工具





  • 操作系统:Centos6.8
  • 内核:# Linux KVM 2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64


[root@localhost ~]# lsmod | grep kvm
kvm_intel             170181  0
kvm                   554609  1 kvm_intel
irqbypass              13503  1 kvm

2.安装Virtualization 组

yum -y install kvm python-virtinst libvirt tunctl bridge-utils virt-manager qemu-kvm-tools virt-viewer virt-v2v
yum -y install libguestfs-tools

使用virt-manager 来启动图形化界面创建

  • 命令行运行virt-manger 来启动kvm的管理程序


  • 然后点击新建按钮,新建一个虚拟机


报错信息:Warning:KVM is not available. This may mean the KVM package is not installed, or the KVM kernel modules are not loaded. your virtual machines may perform poorly. 是由于未启用虚拟机化,我这边使用的是VMware 虚拟机。关闭虚拟机后配置让其支持虚拟化。


  • 选择一种安装操作系统的方式,我这里选择第一种,使用本地的光驱或IOS文件


  • 加载镜像或光驱,并且选择操作系统类型和版本


  • 分配内存和CPU


  • 分配磁盘,其实和VMware安装虚拟机的步骤基本一致




  • 创建完成后会自动启动虚拟机,安装操作系统就不讲了。。



使用 virt-install 来进行控制和管理虚拟机

[root@KVM ~]# virt-
virt-clone          virt-convert        virt-host-validate  virt-image          virt-install        virt-manager        virt-pki-validate   virt-top            virt-viewer         virt-what           virt-xml-validate
[root@KVM ~]# virt-install --help
Usage: virt-install --name NAME --ram RAM STORAGE INSTALL [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --connect=URI         Connect to hypervisor with libvirt URI

  General Options:
    -n NAME, --name=NAME
                        Name of the guest instance
    -r MEMORY, --ram=MEMORY
                        Memory to allocate for guest instance in megabytes
    --vcpus=VCPUS       Number of vcpus to configure for your guest. Ex:
                        --vcpus 5
                        --vcpus 5,maxcpus=10
                        --vcpus sockets=2,cores=4,threads=2
    --cpuset=CPUSET     Set which physical CPUs domain can use.
    --cpu=CPU           CPU model and features. Ex: --cpu coreduo,+x2apic
                        Human readable description of the VM to store in the
                        generated XML.
                        Set domain security driver configuration.
                        Tune NUMA policy for the domain process.

  Installation Method Options:
    -c CDROM, --cdrom=CDROM
                        CD-ROM installation media
    -l LOCATION, --location=LOCATION
                        Installation source (eg, nfs:host:/path,
                        http://host/path, ftp://host/path)
    --pxe               Boot from the network using the PXE protocol
    --import            Build guest around an existing disk image
    --init=INIT         Path to init binary for container guest. Ex:
                        --init /path/to/app (to contain an application)
                        --init /sbin/init (for a full OS container)
    --livecd            Treat the CD-ROM media as a Live CD
    -x EXTRA, --extra-args=EXTRA
                        Additional arguments to pass to the install kernel
                        booted from --location
                        Add given file to root of initrd from --location
                        The OS type being installed, e.g. 'linux', 'unix',
                        The OS variant being installed guests, e.g. 'fedora6',
                        'rhel5', 'solaris10', 'win2k'
    --boot=BOOTOPTS     Optionally configure post-install boot order, menu,
                        permanent kernel boot, etc.

  Storage Configuration:
    --disk=DISKOPTS     Specify storage with various options. Ex.
                        --disk path=/my/existing/disk
                        --disk path=/my/new/disk,size=5 (in gigabytes)
                        --disk vol=poolname:volname,device=cdrom,bus=scsi,...
    --nodisks           Don't set up any disks for the guest.
                        Pass host directory to the guest. Ex:
                        --filesystem /my/source/dir,/dir/in/guest
                        --filesystem template_name,/,type=template

  Networking Configuration:
    -w NETWORK, --network=NETWORK
                        Configure a guest network interface. Ex:
                        --network bridge=mybr0
                        --network network=my_libvirt_virtual_net
                        --network network=mynet,model=virtio,mac=00:11...
    --nonetworks        Don't create network interfaces for the guest.

  Graphics Configuration:
                        Configure guest display settings. Ex:
                        --graphics vnc
                        --graphics spice,port=5901,tlsport=5902
                        --graphics none
                        --graphics vnc,password=foobar,port=5910,keymap=ja
    --noautoconsole     Don't automatically try to connect to the guest

  Device Options:
    --serial=SERIALS    Configure a guest serial device
                        Configure a guest parallel device
    --channel=CHANNELS  Configure a guest communication channel
    --console=CONSOLES  Configure a text console connection between the guest
                        and host
                        Configure physical host devices attached to the guest
    --soundhw=SOUNDHW   Configure guest sound device emulation
                        Configure a guest watchdog device
    --video=VIDEO       Configure guest video hardware.
                        Configure a guest smartcard device. Ex:
                        --smartcard mode=passthrough
                        Configure a guest redirection device. Ex:
                        --redirdev usb,type=tcp,server=
    --panic=PANIC       Configure a guest panic device. Ex:
                        --panic default

  Virtualization Platform Options:
    -v, --hvm           This guest should be a fully virtualized guest
    -p, --paravirt      This guest should be a paravirtualized guest
    --container         This guest should be a container guest
                        Hypervisor name to use (kvm, qemu, xen, ...)
    --arch=ARCH         The CPU architecture to simulate
    --machine=MACHINE   The machine type to emulate
    --noapic            Disables APIC for fully virtualized guest (overrides
                        value in os-type/os-variant db)
    --noacpi            Disables ACPI for fully virtualized guest (overrides
                        value in os-type/os-variant db)
    -u UUID, --uuid=UUID
                        UUID for the guest.

  Miscellaneous Options:
    --autostart         Have domain autostart on host boot up.
    --print-xml         Print the generated domain XML rather than define the
                        Print XML of a specific install step (1, 2, 3, all)
                        rather than define the guest.
    --noreboot          Don't boot guest after completing install.
    --wait=WAIT         Time to wait (in minutes)
    --dry-run           Run through install process, but do not create devices
                        or define the guest.
    --force             Forces 'yes' for any applicable prompts, terminates
                        for all others
    -q, --quiet         Suppress non-error output
    --prompt            Request user input for ambiguous situations or
                        required options.
    -d, --debug         Print debugging information